Airstream Debuts Smart Control Technology
Editor’s Note: Airstream is at it again! First Nest, then Basecamp X, now Smart Technology. Starting in 2019, the Classic is going to be equipped with an application that allows owners to access key information about their Airstream from a mobile device as well as improving access to the internet in the most remote locations. Most impressive, indeed!
Jackson Center, Ohio (August 2, 2018) – Airstream, innovative maker of the iconic “silver bullet” travel trailers, has announced that its 2019 Classic models will feature the company’s Smart Technology, which digitally connects owners to their RVs for a more enjoyable camping experience.

The integrated, Airstream-designed Smart Technology and connectivity solution is the first of its kind developed and produced by an RV manufacturer. Fueled by extensive consumer research and the opportunity to lead the industry, Airstream’s new platform will transform how customers interact with and use their recreational vehicle.

“Digital technology has improved almost every aspect of our lives,” said Airstream President and CEO Bob Wheeler. “Shouldn’t it make camping better, too? We think so. That’s why, in keeping with our commitment to innovation, we’re leading the way with our new Smart Control Technology and connectivity solution, starting with our Airstream Classic travel trailers.”
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