Airstream’s 90th Anniversary is happening in 2021, along with the Grand Opening of the Airstream Heritage Center to celebrate the history of the iconic company. What a perfect time for Airstream enthusiasts to decorate their silver bullets with Airstream Heritage merchandise! Here’s a list of our favorite celebratory knick-knacks from the Airstream Supply Company

First of all, if you don’t have a standard Airstream magnet stuck somewhere in or on your Airstream, are you even an Airstreamer? Might be time for some self evaluation, or maybe you just need to be buying more magnets. 

Speaking of wall decor, we love this aesthetically pleasing detailed picture of Airstream’s history. 

So, you had no idea it was Airstream’s 90th Anniversary? You’re not alone, and these books will help you learn even more. 

After reading your coffee table books, this will make you look even more “worldly”. 

For more Airstream gifts, check out the Airstream Supply Company here:

And be sure to follow the Airstream of Vermont News page for more tips, tricks, and information!