From Airstream's Live Riveted blog, written by and for Airstreamers, check out this basic guide to powering your Airstream RV.

Shore Power

This is the standard way to connect your Airstream to the power grid at a campsite, but it's more than just plug and chug. Knowing when and how to use 30 amp or 50 amp hookups is essential to avoid tripping up the breaker. Find more details about this on Airstream’s support page.

Solar Power

Mounting solar panels to the roof of your Airstream is a notorious and stylish way to soak up power directly from the sun’s rays. 

There is so much exposed metal on the roof of your Airstream that it almost seems wasteful not to install some solar panels on that precious aluminum real estate. While solar is limited by cloudy or rainy days that block out the sun, calculating how much energy you need is easily done with Airstream Ambassador Ronnie Dennis’ handy chart, leading you to quickly figure out how many solar panels you’ll need to power the entire vehicle. 

'“Watts are calculated by multiplying volts times amps,” Ronnie told the audience. “So, if we want to use a 120-volt television that draws approximately one amp for one hour, we take 120 volts, multiply that by one amp, and that gives us 120 watt-hours. If we wanted to watch TV for two hours, we would multiply 120 times the two hours and get 240 watts.  

“Once you know how many watts each item in your Airstream is using, you can subtract those numbers from the watt-hours in your battery and have a sense of how much you have in reserve,”' Ronnie told


That same chart can be used to figure out how much power you’ll need from a generator, which are always a handy backup power source in a sticky situation. Airstream Ambassadors suggest purchasing a generator with at least 20% more electrical output than you currently require, to account for miscalculations and emergencies. 

Keep in mind, however, that many campgrounds require guests to shut off generators during certain hours due to how loud the devices can be, so it shouldn’t be your only power source. 

For more electrical tips, check out the Airstream Academy, a great resource for all of your technical questions. 

Airstream of Vermont at Pete’s RV Center has all of your RV electricity needs in mind. Check out our News section today for more helpful Airstream tips and tricks.